Interactive vocabulary exercise
from “The Princess's Man” Part 3

Cloze test
with time limit and automatic scoring

Fill in all the gaps and then press the "Check" button at the bottom of the page to check your answers. If the time limit has expired, reload/refresh this page to start all over again, or proceed to the next exercise. (Best viewed on Firefox or Chrome)
   alive      assures      capture      investiture      oust      rescue      scholars      secretly      steadfast      urges   
Episode 17

After Prefect Shin Myeon and his men Jo Seokju, Kim Seung-yu follows them and tells Wang Nogeol that they will him later that night.

Se-ryung Kim Seung-yu that his sister-in-law and his niece Agang are still . Later, after visiting Princess Gyeonghye, she finally accepts her as “Princess” but remains in her refusal to marry Prefect Shin Myeon.

Kim Seung-yu kills two more men of King Sejo (Prince Suyang). Later, Royal Lecturer Lee Gae him to join the plan that he and other from the Hall of Worthies have laid out to King Sejo and to restore King Danjong.